About Us
The London Abused Women’s Centre is a feminist, abolitionist agency
We provide abused and exploited women and children over the age of 12 with hope and help
We help women and girls exploited in prostitution/sex trafficking/pornography, abused by their intimate partners, and/or subjected to sexual harassment or torture. The London Abused Women’s Centre (LAWC) also provides support and counselling to family members of women and girls who have been prostituted/sex trafficked, including women and girls who are missing or disappeared.

Vision, Mission, & Beliefs
To end patriarchy on local and global levels freeing women and girls from oppression.
To take systemic action to end the oppression of women while providing women and girls subjected to male violence with counselling, advocacy, and support.
Male violence against women and girls is a direct result of patriarchy.
All women and girls are potential victims of male violence and abuse for no other reason than their gender.
All women and girls, including the 2SLGBTQ+ communities, have a right to immediate access to service.
Services must be inclusive to women and girls of all races, ages, abilities, incomes, languages, cultures, faith-based beliefs, immigration status, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Most men are not abusers, but the majority of abusers are men.
Relationships are not abusive; abusers are abusive.
Indigenous women and girls are disproportionately impacted by systemic oppression and male violence.
The majority of women do not choose to be sexually exploited into the commercial sex trade.
Most women in the commercial sex trade (pornography, prostitution, adult entertainment, body rub/massage parlours, “strip” clubs, escort services) are trafficked.
Sexually exploited women and girls in the commercial sex trade are victims of torture, rape, assault, exploitation, and/or other violations causing significant trauma.
Ending male violence against women and girls needs personal, social, and political change.
The London Abused Women’s Centre has received a generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to help us with the Youth Focus Grant through the Resilient Communities Fund.
The London Abused Women’s Centre has received a generous grant from United Way Elgin Middlesex for our Survivors to Thrivers program.